Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Worst Day Ever

today has been the worst day of '09' for me. im a nice person, so i dont mind helping a friend out. so this morning im doin a favor for my friend, were on rt.22 and i get pulled over. i get the ticket and im on my way. im not worried about it cause its a bullshit ticket. i get 2 the destination where my boy has 2 go without any problems. now its like 12:30om and its time 2 head back cause i gotta be 2 work by 2pm. my boys like lets not take rt.22 cause there mad cops out there. so we take the regular streets. were halfway home and i get pulled over again. at this point im like OMG! we get pulled over 4 the same reason, but this time i got 2 tickets. i get my tickets and im on my way. im driving for maybe 3 minutes, and i get pulled over again. WTF!!! at this point im furious. i explain 2 the officer that i been pulled over twice and have already got 3 tickets 2day. so were goin over this whole process again 4 a third time. i get 2more tickets. this officer was nice and let us kno that he told all the other cops not 2 mess wit us. so we made it home without any other problems. i jus parked my car and got a ride 2 work. i didnt make it 2 work until 2:45. this has been the worst day ever!

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